Selected Work

Selected Publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications


  • Arias, J. M. (2022). Humor and humility for inclusive nature education. Environmental Education Research, 0(0), 1–14.

  • Román, D., Arias, J. M., Sedlacek, Q. C., & Pérez, G. (2022). Exploring Conceptions of Creativity and Latinidad in Environmental Education Through the Lens of Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy. Review of Research in Education, 46(1), 32–63.



  • Orrego-Cardozo, M., Jiménez-Rodriguez, A., Osorio-Forero, A., Restrepo, F., Arias, J. M., & Tamayo-Orrego, L. (2016). Different brain structures exhibit similar caffeine levels after the administration of a single dose of caffeine / Estructuras encefálicas distintas muestran concentración de cafeína similar después de la administración de una dosis única. Biosalud, 16(2), 20–27.

Other Publications



  • Preschoolers’ moral judgments of environmental harm and influence of perspective-taking. Article review. ChangeScale Environmental Education Research Bulletin, Issue 14.

  • Authentic teacher care encourages reflective environmental engagement among minoritized youth. Article review. ChangeScale Environmental Education Research Bulletin, Issue 14.

  • Personal dispositions and recycling-related beliefs contribute to overestimation of perceived recycling skills. Article review. ChangeScale Environmental Education Research Bulletin, Issue 13.


  • A. Padilla, & J.M. Arias (2016). Report: A Bay Area Mobile Home Park and the Threat of Permanent Closure.


  • Arias, J. M. (2015). Book Review: Restoring Opportunity: The Crisis of Inequality and the Challenge for American Education. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 37(4), 572–580.

Grants and Fellowships


Colorado College Creativity & Innovation, Climate Justice Scholarship & Curriculum Grant. $6,000


Stanford Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence (DARE) Doctoral Fellowship. $102,000


Stanford GSE Dean's Collaborative Learning Fund Award. $44,300


Gerhard Casper Stanford Graduate Fellowship. $102,960


Scotland’s Saltire Scholars Fellowship. $12,400

Selected Presentations

Invited Talks


  • "Neurociencia afectiva y emociones en el contexto de aprendizaje". Coloquio de Neurociencias, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, Feb. 24th

  • "Advice for Early-Career Academics: Reflections on Community-Engaged Research." Stanford University Haas Center for Public Service, Feb. 4th


  • “Perspective-taking and social bias; The importance of empathy for persuasion and pedagogy.” Colorado College Psychology/Education Departments, Nov. 29th

  • “Citation managers for organizing and referencing work.” Applied Research Methods in International Comparative Education, Stanford University. Oct. 6th


  • “Neural development in adolescence.” Stanford Teacher Education Program: Adolescent Development & Learning.

Conference Papers & Presentations


  • Pedagogies of Perspective: Enacting Culturally-Sustaining Practices in Nature Education. North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Annual Conference, Lexington, KY.

  • Gaining perspective: Insights from a culturally-sustaining analysis of qualitative program evaluations. North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Research Symposium, Lexington, KY.

  • Culturally Sustaining Care in Nature Education. Children and Nature Network International Conference, Oakland, CA.


  • Inequality, belonging, thriving: Latino youth in America’s most expensive city. APA Division 45: Society for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture. UT Austin.


  • The Summen Project: Place-Based Education and Outreach Using California Redwoods as a Flagship Species. Young Environmental Scholars Conference, Stanford University.

  • The puzzle of switch costs that don’t add up: Reconsidering support for the “all or none” hypothesis of inhibitory development. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Austin, TX.


  • Perceived Support within Immigrant Community Predicts School Aspirations and Performance while Self-Affirmation Lowers Adolescent Stress. American Educational Research Association Conference, Washington, D.C.